So what does the good doc do after obtaining these super-freakish-human powers -
a) Go own a country or become the king of the world?
b) Go become the ultra blue rock star and thrill the universe with his cosmic guitar?
c) Convert mount Everest into E and party all night long for next 2000 years?
d) Fight crime?
No! All answers above are incorrect. Our good Doc just goes right back to his unsolved math problem! He's so obsessed with physcs & maths that he solves maths problems while being in bed with his gilfriend (more on that later). Talk about dedication!

Now you might be wondering about the problems that regular superheroes have with girlfriends - Like Spiderman frets all the time about spending too much time crime fighting instead of having some wild times with his Mary Jane, Superman (Smallville) has issues exposing his superidentity to Lana Lang and so on. But our good old Dr. Manhattan again shows how only physicists or mathematicians or geeks can truly enjoy their superhero identities unlike their press-reporter and millionaire boys counterparts! Instead of worrying about exposing his identity, protection of the girl he dates and what not, he solves this problem by simply hooking up with a fellow super heroine (Silk Spectre 2)! So he doesn't have to worry about the identities and villains trying to use her against him and stuff as she will just kick anyone's butt if someone messes with her! Also, the fact that she has the body any figure athele would die for helps too!
As far as not having time to crime fight and date issue, our hero simply duplicates himself so one Dr Manhattan can go fight crime and second Dr Manhattan can go have a quiet evening with Ms. Juspeczyk! And since the good old doc is now
Now that I mentioned the math problem part though, this kinda puzzles me. I mean why and how can someone do those things at the same time? The only reason I can think of is that poor Doc has some sort of physics fetish. And in fact this doesn't really come as a surprise when we think of his background! The guy is a physicist geek from Princeton for God's sake and must've spent countless hours with his math equations instead of trying to get laid in school ! So what he got those super powers! What really matters is that he gets his physics equations accurately solved. But the apparent super-libido power is also at work so he just triplicates himself - two of hims having some wild time with Ms Juspeczyk and remaining one solving math equations in the next room. Unfortunately for him though, Laurie is not totally an idiot and dumps him ASAP and hooks up with the next superhero in line (Night Owl aka Daniel Dreiberg) once she discovers that Dr. Manhattan was having sex with her AND solving those all important math problems at the same time last night! Poor girl doesn't realize that it could very well be Osterman's secret fetish from his Princeton days....
Ok, that was the personal life before he became, here is an article on how he came into existence - Watchmen's Dr. Manhattan's Origin
To find out if Dr. Manhattan can beat Superman and Hulk, click -
Dr. Manhattan vs Superman and Hulk
... you are REALLY obsessed with the fact that Manhattan can have threesomes. Gees d00d.
ReplyDeletehahaha....I did find it particularly amusing because of the subtle gay undertones and the weirdness of Dr. Manhattan replicating himself to have sex with the same girl lol...On a more serious note, it also kinda shows that Dr. Manhattan's focus is on pleasing Laurie but not the way a boyfriend would like to his girlfriend but rather as just another chore...
One of the best moments in the movie Watchmen (haven't read the graphic novels yet) is when Dr Manhattan goes to Mars and builds his giant clock. It reminded me of William Paley's divine watchmaker analogy. Paley was writing to justify a teleology, that the design of the universe implies something about the designer. And Dr. Manhattan fits the description perfectly. Like the watchmaker he only creates and shows no emotional attachment to his creation. In art as in life, it's my belief that the divine learned long ago to ignore the will of the individual as faulty and selfish. It's only by transcending our individual nature that we have any chance at glimpsing the machinery, or solving the ultimate math problem.